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Advancing collaboration to make good things happen

Advancing collaboration to make good things happen

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Internal Audit Services

Our Aim

To support organisations that have or are implementing Collaborative Business Relationship Management Systems to BS 11000/ISO 44001 or in the process of migrating to the international standard and have a need for external audit support.

Benefits to Your Business

  • Based on the extensive experience the ICW team can provide a flexible support service that supports the individual needs of the organisation.
  • Access to an experienced resource pool with a broad experience based on the development and implementation of BS 11000 and ISO 44001.
  • Ability to draw on experience from across the ICW executive network and its portfolio of certified organisations.
  • In-depth knowledge of the standards and alignment of requirements with existing management systems.
  • Support pre and during the external assessment process.
  • Providing confidence to senior management and clients of the audit process and harnessing the opportunities for continual improvement.


BS 11000 was the first standard in the world to address collaborative relationship management and the behaviours and culture required for success. ICW has been the driving force behind this development based on the CRAFT methodology, and its evolution to an international standard ISO 44001. From the standards inception ICW recognised that adoption and implementation of a collaborative relationship standard breaks new ground in terms of management systems and in particular internal auditing approaches.

Internal audits are an essential and important part of maintaining and improving an effective collaborative relationship management system. They enhance the value of the relationship and maintain the ongoing ability to collaborate. Internal audits are a key tool for:

  • Facilitating continual improvement
  • Identifying good practice
  • Maintaining compliance
  • Providing confidence to stakeholders
  • Providing vital information for management reviews
  • Providing early warning signs of system failure
  • Reducing business risk

Why Utilise ICW Support Services?

Since the introduction of BS 11000 the ICW team has been closely involved with the majority of adopters. Together with the development of the current certification programme and the ICW validation programme providing oversight of approved certification bodies.

From the outset ICW found organisations internal auditing processes required assistance to interpret and develop their capability. As such ICW introduced training courses utilising our experienced team. We also received requests where, at least initially, organisations sought knowledgeable external support to underpin their internal resources which in some cases become an integral part of their auditing capability.

The Support Services

In the light of our experiences and client requirements ICW has introduced its Internal Audit Support Services, which are tailored to individual organisations requirements, to provide the following:

  • Development of the Internal Audit Schedule to cover the scope of the client BS 11000/ISO 44001 certification.
  • Guidance on phasing to de-risk activities and link with key milestones for Bids, JRMP development, internal and SER Reviews. Thereby ensuring the organisation is correctly positioned and current.
  • Providing advice on how internal audits can be integrated with existing system audits programmes.
  • Delivery of Internal audits in line with the schedule by ICW experienced and accredited personnel.
  • Production of an Audit Report defining Non-Conformance, Opportunities for Improvement and Observations. The report is structured to enable the contents to be extracted to the organisations quality management system for corrective action and close out activity.
  • Development and guidance on pre-assessment reviews and actions in advance of external certification visits and if appropriate support during those assessments.
  • Alongside the undertaking of internal audit activities the ICW team will support and provide coaching and training for your own internal audit team.

For further information email or contact us here.

CentralPoint, 45 Beech Street, Barbican, London EC2Y 8AD . Email: . Phone: 0203 691 1530
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